Link Building For SaaS Businesses


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In software as a service, establishing a strong online presence is crucial, and link building plays a pivotal role in achieving that. Our guide aims to equip you with the strategies and insights needed to enhance your SaaS website’s visibility and authority through effective link building.

Whether you’re just launching your SaaS venture or looking to elevate an existing platform, understanding the nuances of link building can set you apart in the competitive digital landscape. We’ll walk you through different types of links, their impact on your SaaS business, and the best practices to attract high-quality, relevant backlinks that drive growth and customer engagement.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to leverage link building to boost your SaaS website’s search engine rankings, attract the right audience, and ultimately, drive more conversions. So, let’s get started on this journey to build a stronger and more connected SaaS business!

Understanding Link Building

Link building is a core element of search engine optimisation (SEO), particularly crucial for SaaS businesses striving to stand out in a crowded market. At its core, link building involves acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. These links not only guide users to your SaaS platform but also signal to search engines the credibility and authority of your site.

There are two primary types of links: dofollow and nofollow. Dofollow links are particularly valuable for SEO as they pass on ‘link juice’ and help improve your site’s ranking. Nofollow links, while they don’t directly contribute to SEO, still play a role in driving traffic and enhancing your site’s visibility.

For SaaS companies, the goal is to acquire high-quality, relevant links that align with your service offerings. These links should ideally come from authoritative sources in the tech and software industry, as they carry more weight and relevance. Building a network of such links helps establish your SaaS platform as a trusted and recognised name in the industry.

Benefits of Quality Link Building

Effective link building offers a multitude of benefits for SaaS businesses. Firstly, high-quality backlinks boost your website’s domain authority, making it more likely to rank higher in search engine results. This enhanced visibility is vital for attracting potential customers who are actively searching for SaaS solutions.

Moreover, strategic link building drives targeted traffic to your site. Visitors coming through these links are often more engaged and interested in your offerings, leading to higher conversion rates. Quality backlinks also serve as endorsements, building trust and credibility among your audience. They indicate that reputable sources vouch for your SaaS platform, which can be a decisive factor for many clients.

In addition, a robust link profile differentiates your SaaS business from competitors. It helps you establish thought leadership and a strong online presence, which are essential for long-term success in the digital space.

Planning Your Link Building Campaign

Planning a successful link building campaign is a strategic endeavor for any SaaS business. Start by defining clear objectives: Are you aiming to increase overall traffic, improve search engine rankings, or establish thought leadership in your niche? Understanding your goals will shape your approach to link building.

Next, identify your target audience and the websites they frequent. For SaaS businesses, this might include tech blogs, industry forums, and software review sites. Researching these platforms helps you understand where your potential backlinks could come from and what kind of content resonates with your audience.

Creating a content plan is also crucial. Your content should be informative, engaging, and valuable to your target audience. Whether it’s blog posts, whitepapers, or case studies, high-quality content is what will attract backlinks naturally.

Lastly, organise your campaign with a timeline and set milestones. This will help you track progress and make adjustments as needed. Remember, link building is a long-term strategy, so patience and persistence are key.

Link Building Outreach Strategies

Outreach is a critical component of your link building campaign. It involves reaching out to other websites and influencers in your niche to secure backlinks. The key to successful outreach is personalisation and relevance. Tailor your messages to each recipient, highlighting why a partnership would be mutually beneficial. 

When reaching out, focus on building relationships rather than just asking for links. Offer value, such as sharing their content or providing insightful comments on their posts. This approach not only increases the likelihood of securing backlinks but also fosters long-term collaborations.

Keep track of your outreach efforts using a CRM or a spreadsheet. Monitoring who you’ve contacted, their responses, and follow-up actions will streamline the process and improve your chances of success. 

Effective Link Building Tactics

Link building is a dynamic process, and for SaaS businesses, employing a variety of tactics can lead to significant SEO and visibility gains. Here are some comprehensive strategies:

  • Guest Blogging: Not only a way to get backlinks, guest blogging is an opportunity to showcase your expertise in the SaaS field. Target blogs that are respected in your industry and propose informative and engaging topics. Offer fresh insights or case studies to make your content stand out.
  • Creating Shareable Content: High-quality, shareable content naturally attracts backlinks. Think beyond traditional blog posts; consider interactive tools, comprehensive guides, insightful infographics, or original research relevant to the SaaS industry. This type of content encourages others to link to your site as a valuable resource.
  • Infographic Distribution: Develop informative and visually appealing infographics summarising complex SaaS concepts. Share these infographics with industry-specific blogs or on platforms like Pinterest and LinkedIn, where they can garner attention and backlinks.
  • Leveraging Social Media: Actively use social media platforms to promote your content and engage with your audience. Social media can drive traffic to your website and encourage sharing, which indirectly supports link building.
  • Participating in Online Communities: Engage in online communities relevant to SaaS, such as forums, LinkedIn groups, and Quora. Offer valuable insights and include a link to your website when it adds value to the conversation. This approach helps in establishing digital PR and gaining backlinks.
  • Broken Link Building: Identify broken links on industry-related websites and suggest your content as a replacement. This tactic not only provides value to the website owner but also earns you a relevant backlink. See below examples of how you can spot this using tools like Ahrefs Broken Backlinks report.

  • Collaborating with Influencers: Partner with influencers in the SaaS space. Collaborations can range from co-authoring content to hosting webinars. These partnerships often result in high-quality backlinks and increased visibility.
  • Hosting Webinars and Online Events: Webinars and online events attract attention and can generate backlinks. Promote these events across various platforms and encourage participants and industry leaders to share and link to your event page.
  • Testimonials and Reviews: Offering testimonials for tools or services you use can lead to backlinks from their websites. Similarly, encouraging users to review your SaaS product on their blogs or websites can also result in valuable backlinks.

Remember, the most effective link building tactic is one that not only earns links but also aligns with your overall marketing strategy and enhances your SaaS brand’s reputation.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

While pursuing link building, SaaS businesses should be aware of common pitfalls:

  • Chasing Quantity Over Quality: It’s easy to fall into the trap of focusing on the number of backlinks rather than their quality. However, links from reputable, relevant sites are far more valuable than a larger number of low-quality links. Prioritise getting links from domains that have authority and relevance to the SaaS sector.
  • Ignoring User Experience: Links should be integrated seamlessly into content, providing value to the reader. Avoid practices that disrupt user experience, like excessive link stuffing or irrelevant links. User experience is a significant factor in SEO and should never be compromised.
  • Neglecting Link Diversity: Relying on a single type of link or source can limit your SEO potential. Aim for a diverse link profile, including links from different types of websites, such as industry blogs, news sites, and educational institutions. This diversity signals to search engines the broad relevance and credibility of your SaaS platform.
  • Forgetting to Monitor and Remove Bad Links: Regularly audit your link profile to identify and disavow any harmful links. Bad links can come from spammy websites or those penalised by search engines, which can negatively impact your site’s SEO.
  • Overlooking Local SEO Opportunities: For SaaS businesses with a local component, local SEO can be a goldmine. Engage in local link building by getting listed in local directories, participating in local events, and partnering with other local businesses.

By steering clear of these pitfalls and focusing on strategic, ethical link building, your SaaS business can achieve sustainable growth and a robust online presence.

Measuring and Tracking Results

Evaluating the success of your link building campaign is crucial for understanding its impact and making informed decisions for future strategies. For SaaS businesses, this means delving into a variety of metrics and analytics to gain a comprehensive view of your efforts:

  • Backlink Profile Analysis: Regularly monitor your backlink profile using SEO tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Moz. Assess the number of new backlinks acquired, the quality of linking domains, and the diversity of your link portfolio. Pay attention to the anchor text used, ensuring it’s relevant and varied.


  • Search Engine Ranking Changes: Keep an eye on how your website ranks for targeted keywords before and after your link building efforts. Improvements in rankings can be attributed to successful link building, especially for competitive keywords relevant to the SaaS industry.
  • Domain and Page Authority: Tools like Moz’s Domain Authority (DA) and Ahref Domain Rating (DR) provide insights into the strength and credibility of your website. Watch for increases in DA and DR as a result of your link building campaign, indicating a stronger online presence.
  • Competitor Benchmarking: Compare your link building progress with that of your competitors. Understanding where you stand in relation to other SaaS businesses can offer insights into areas for improvement and opportunities to differentiate your strategy.

By thoroughly measuring and tracking these key metrics, your SaaS business can refine its link building approach, ensuring it aligns with your broader marketing objectives and contributes to overall growth and success.

To conclude link building is an ongoing process that requires patience, persistence, and a strategic approach. For SaaS businesses, it’s not just about acquiring any links; it’s about building the right links that add value and drive growth. Stay committed to ethical practices, focus on building relationships, and continuously adapt your strategies based on the results you observe. It’s always worth speaking to a backlink agency or look to outsource, because the process is highly time consuming.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes link building important for SaaS businesses?

Link building is vital for SaaS businesses as it enhances online visibility, establishes credibility, and improves search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find your services.

Results from link building can vary, but typically it takes several months to see significant changes in traffic and rankings, as search engines take time to index and evaluate new links.

There’s no set number of backlinks for improved rankings. Quality and relevance are more important than quantity. Focus on getting high-quality links from authoritative sites in your industry.

Content like in-depth guides, case studies, industry reports, and original research tends to attract backlinks for SaaS companies, as they offer valuable insights and are often cited as resources.

Identify relevant sites by researching your industry, using SEO tools like Ahrefs to find competitors’ backlinks, and engaging in online communities related to your SaaS niche.

Avoid common mistakes like focusing on quantity over quality, using irrelevant or spammy links, neglecting link diversity, and engaging in black hat SEO tactics.

Measure the quality of a backlink by looking at the authority and relevance of the linking site, the link’s placement and context, and whether it drives targeted traffic.

Link building is an ongoing process, requiring continuous effort to acquire new links and maintain existing ones, to keep improving your site’s authority and rankings.

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