3 Ways To Assess The Quality Of A Site For Link Building

Your content may be exactly what users are looking for, provide solutions to their issues, and be intelligible to search engines, but this does not guarantee that it will rank.

To rank higher than other websites with those features, you must establish authority. You can accomplish this by building your brand, obtaining links from reliable websites, and growing an audience that will help distribute your content.

Google cites links and high-quality content as two of the three main ranking factors for SEO. While spammy sites frequently connect to other spammy sites, reliable sites frequently link to other reliable trustworthy sites.

Let me introduce you to E-A-T

How do those links affect the search engines’ evaluations? Everything begins with the idea of E-A-T.

  • Expertise
  • Authoritativeness
  • Trustworthiness

Display your Expertise

When producing top-notch material, being original and detailed is essential, as well as showing your expertise. So, where should you begin? That’s easy, by carrying out a bit of housekeeping. It is essential to regularly examine and reassess your site and anything you have shared in order to maintain accuracy, freshness, and relevance. Keep this in mind with these essential quarterly housekeeping tasks:

1. Have you endorsed any opinion pieces using your credentials, if you are an expert in your field?

2. Can you provide references, cites, or links to support any factual assertions?

3. Does the content lack depth? Could you make it more substantial by bulking it up or consolidating it?

4. Can you use internal linking to group relevant content to establish an overarching theme?

5. Is your information outdated? When was the last update made? Is it worth updating or should you just throw it out?

You will be able to identify any obvious content gaps once you have finished the aforementioned tasks. You can revitalise your content strategy for E-A-T. if you combine this with current keyword research, especially for informational search queries.

Show your Authority

Reputation is directly referred to when discussing authority, and it develops with time. External links and references on other websites are the main ways in which authority is evaluated. What you can do is rephrase what people are saying on your website about your company. You can mention the good feedback you receive on websites like Trustpilot or Google Reviews on your website and include a link to the original source. You can list any trustworthy businesses or brands you’ve collaborated with on a partners page.

How to establish Trust via your website

As with any human relationship, a number of factors contribute to the development of trust, which can be rapidly destroyed. The most crucial factor is sincerity. Be open and honest about your identity and work. Every piece of information on your website must be accurate. They won’t trust you again once they discover any mistruths or stretching of the facts. This can aly to anything from contact information to your “About Us” page. Give as much accurate information as you can about yourself and your company. Any address or phone number should be accurate, and if a client approaches you, be sure to respond. Poor customer ratings and a disconnected phone line are two examples of factors that could reduce people’s trust in you.

Brand consistency, professional style and design, and of course the use of good grammar and language are additional crucial elements of trust-building. If your website’s content is a poor machine translation with glaring spelling errors, readers won’t trust it.

Trust becomes even more crucial for link-building campaigns driven by data. Put a methodology and sources section below the infographic or article where you explicitly indicate where your data comes from and how you arrived at your conclusion. Include the where, when, who, and how details if you used a survey to acquire the data. Describe the steps you took to analyse the data. If you use statistics from unofficial websites, make sure they are reliable and cite every single source you consulted.

E-A-T for Link Building

It is clear from a second look at all those suggestions that they ought to be a part of a sound content standard. It won’t just help your organic rankings if you get your E-A-T right and keep it in mind when you do anything for your business online. When people view you as a credible HARO authority etc. and an expert, they will readily backlink to your website.

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building strong links?